Please note…
Following routine security maintenance to My Account and an upgrade to our database on Monday 10 September, it is possible you might now need to reset your password in order to comply with our new best-practice security guidelines.
New passwords will need to contain:
a.     at least seven characters
b.     at least one numeric character, and
c.     at least one alphabetic character
Should you encounter any problems accessing My Account, please contact the Registration team on 020 7202 0707 /
Thank you
Please note
In order to ensure the security of our members' data, accounts lock automatically after five incorrect login attempts. Please contact the Registration or PSS teams, as applicable, if your account is locked.
CPD-Accessing the PDR (Professional Development Records):  
Please note that you will need to log into another area of the website to access the PDRs, and use different credentials to log in. Please follow these links to log into the vet PDR and the VN PDR.

  Difficulties logging in?
Please see our video guides for help on logging in to My Account.

Veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses, and non-PSS practices experiencing difficulties should contact the Registration team on 020 7202 0707 or email

PSS practices experiencing difficulties should contact the PSS team on 020 7202 0767 or email